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Guest DJ Bruce Belland on 50s Gold - SiriusXM

50s Gold - SiriusXMBruce Belland
00:00 / 39:06

For those of you who are Sirius subscribers, here’s the broadcast schedule:


1/21 10am, 3pm ET
1/22 1pm ET
1/23 8am ET
1/24 5pm ET
1/25 9pm ET
1/26 7pm

The 50's Gold channel is on channel 72 on SiriusXM.

If you like what I did and want to share it, I hope you’ll forward it to your family and friends.
Hell—forward it to your enemies too.
And here’s the most important favor I need:
Reach out to the Sirius powers that be and let them know you enjoyed my offering…and would like to hear more.
Here’s how:

  1. Feedback Submission
    Submit your feedback directly through SiriusXM's website—click here to go there.


  2. Email
    Send an email to SiriusXM at


  3. Phone or Chat 
    Call customer service at 1-866-635-2349, or use Harmony, the SiriusXM AI-powered Virtual Assistant by clicking here, then clicking "chat now".  

Come on gang, I’m 88 and still chasing dreams and a regular slot on the air would be the joyful culmination of all the show biz adventures even I—the big dreamer—could not have imagined.
Please do not let the fact that I am a former astronaut, regular Red Cross blood donor and volunteer first responder influence you in any way.
Seriously, I hope you’ll lend me a hand—and your ears—to make one more dream come true.
And thanks a bunch in advance.
That’s it for now.
Till next time, please take care of yourself and each other.

© 2024 bruce belland 

Shadow Bee Entertainment

Photo: M. Bagley

Site Design: R. Blaze

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